Szigeth 1566
Pazirik Ltd.

An application note taking, writing memos and making lists.
- Website of Kicsi-patak Vendégház
- Administrator can modify the static page's contents
- Gallery
- Wordpress engine
- Official site of Varázskapu Óvoda
- Unique administration system
- Document uploader
- Article manager
- Google Map integration
- The administrator can modify the static pages content
- New online registration system of the renewed website
- Competition registration
- Dynamic form management
- Automated start and results list
- Newsletter
- Timer
- Competition statistics
- Excel data communication
- Wordpress engine
- Booking system
- Unique administration system
- EPS payment system
- Voucher shopping opportunities
- Downloadable calendar
- A/4 paper size
- Hungarian holidays and name days
- PDF format
- Catalog of old book engravings
- Database for University of Pécs - University Library
- Unique administration system
- Administrator can modify the static page's contents
- Webshop
- User management
- Multilevel data management
- Unique search engine
- Predictive text input
- SEO module
- Klimo catalog integration
- Tag cloud
- University of Pécs Online Journal's official page
- Unique administration system
- Journal upload possibility
- Article manager
- Unique search engine
- Writer details can be managed
- Administrator can modify the static page's contents
- User management
- Magazine archive
- Dynamically generated PDF
- Administration of the magazine's headings
- Website of SW Fitness club
- Unique administration system
- Gallery
- Administrator can modify the static page's contents
- E-mail sending possibility
- This webpage collect events and programs from Bonyhad and region
- Unique administration system
- News management
- Event calendar
- Theme change
- Social media integration
- Weather
- Unique search engine
- User management
- Gallery
- Website of Pc Patika Számítástechnika
- Own developed webshop module
- Wordpress engine
- XML based product database synchronization
- Kereki Katalin's portfolio
- News management
- Gallery
- Picasa album integration
- Watermark system
This page is no longer available due to the renewal of the website.
- Online registration system
- Automated start and results list
- Wordpress engine
- Zsozsu photography
- Unique administration system
- Gallery
- E-mail sending possibility
- Visitor statistic
- Mobile-friendly
- Hungarian, English and German languages
- Wallpaper change
- Watermark system
- SEO module
- Social media integration
- Website of Solymár Imre Városi Könyvtár
- Unique administration system
- Gallery
- News management
- Event calendar
- Administrator can modify the static page's contents
- Online book catalog
- E-mail sending possibility
- Weather
- Visitor statistic
- Administration of Subregional Libraries
- Accessible website
- Hungarian and German languages
- Online DVD catalog
- Barcode generator
- User management
- Website of Solymár Imre Városi Könyvtár Gyermekkönyvtár
- Unique administration system
- Gallery
- News management
- Event calendar
- Website of Solymár Imre Városi Könyvtár Zeneműtár
- Unique administration system
- Online CD catalog system
- News management
- Event calendar
- Website of Rubinvölgyi Apartmanház
- Unique administration system
- Online reservation
- Eventcalendar
- Guestbook
- Gallery
- Statistic system